Removal of the wisdom teeth has become almost a right of passage into adulthood for many people. These troublesome third molars typically emerge in the late teens and early twenties, and they can cause infections, chronic pain, or dental damage if the mouth does not have room for them. Here’s a brief guide to the history of wisdom teeth as well as some information about how they are removed.
Ancient Wisdom Teeth
While people usually take modern food preparation methods for granted, the truth is that our ancestors didn’t always have them. Before people figured out how to cook their food, they had to subsist on a diet of raw meat and plant matter, making the wisdom teeth necessary to grind this tough fare into a pulp that could be easily digested.
Modern Wisdom Teeth
After many generations of improving cooking methods, people today are used to food that is much easier to chew and often have jaws that are too small to accommodate the wisdom teeth. When these third molars emerge, they often cause crowding, which can make the teeth harder to clean, push them out of alignment, and cause chronic pain. In some cases, the wisdom teeth fail to emerge completely from the gums, creating a pocket in the tissue that can easily host infectious bacteria. Dentists often recommend removing the wisdom teeth to prevent these issues.
Some people will not need to have their wisdom teeth removed because they have enough room in their jaw or they were not born with these third molars in the first place. In some cases, a person may have only one, two, or three wisdom teeth instead of the usual four. Interestingly, some research suggests that a child eating a tougher diet at a younger age may lead to the jaw developing in a way that makes wisdom teeth extraction unnecessary in the future.
How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?
To remove wisdom teeth, your oral surgeon will begin by administering an appropriate anesthetic, and you may also receive dental sedation if necessary. Your surgeon will then use a tool called an elevator to lift the tooth partially out of the gum before grasping it with forceps and gently rocking it until it separates from its connective tissue. If the tooth has not completely emerged from the gum, incisions may be necessary to remove it. In some cases, the tooth may be split into smaller pieces that are easier to extract.
After your tooth is extracted, you’ll need to comply with a set of postoperative instructions to keep your recovery on track and as comfortable as possible. Once you’ve recovered, you can enjoy a life free of the chronic pain and other health issues wisdom teeth can bring.
About the Practice
Murphy Dental Home offers the finest oral health services available in town. Led by Drs. Khushboo Gandhi, Pooria Fallah Abed, and Nedda Hifeda, the staff ensures that each patient receives the utmost courtesy and compassionate care in a warm and welcoming environment. Areas of expertise include general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as wisdom tooth extraction services. If you are concerned about your wisdom teeth, contact the office online or dial (972) 532-6506.