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Holistic Health: 3 Tips to Prevent Dental Problems

January 10, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — murphydental @ 7:38 pm
Man in green sweater smiling with plants blurry in background

You likely already know that brushing and flossing twice daily are essential to your dental health. Cleaning your teeth consistently removes plaque and bacteria that contribute to common oral issues like cavities and gingivitis.

However, that’s not the only way to keep potential gum disease and tooth decay at bay. Continue reading to learn about 3 holistic methods that can also help safeguard your smile!

Option #1: Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing gum to protect your grin might seem counterintuitive because many brands are full of sugar that’s bad for your teeth. Thankfully, there are healthier options available. For instance, many sugar-free options are sweetened with xylitol, a natural ingredient derived from plant fibers. Germs can’t metabolize it like they can sugar, so it essentially “starves” them. Not only does this prevent bacteria from producing enamel-eroding acids, but it also breaks down sugars to balance the pH levels in your mouth.

Furthermore, chewing stimulates saliva production, rinsing away bits of food or debris that can form a layer of plaque on your teeth or along your gumline.  

Option #2: Eat Wholesome Foods

You can also prevent cavities by limiting your sugar intake and making more conscientious decisions about your diet. You can maintain strong teeth and bones by consuming dairy foods like cheese, yogurt, or milk. These are all full of calcium, which strengthens your enamel and lowers your susceptibility to cavities and injuries. Also, eating more citrus fruits and certain leafy greens can boost your vitamin C level to support healthier connective tissues.

You should also avoid consuming copious amounts of sugary or acidic beverages like tea, coffee, soda, or alcohol. These all can stain your teeth, thin your enamel, and attract microbes that can cause disease. Drinking water can shield your grin because it has a neutral pH balance to counteract potential acid damage and keeps your mouth moist to eliminate unwanted particles.

Option #3: Apply Natural Oils

Some natural oils are also believed to be beneficial to your smile. Before modern dental developments, clove oil was used to treat toothaches and restore enamel as a preventative measure. It contains eugenol, which acts as a natural antibacterial and anesthetic. It both numbs the nerves in your mouth to reduce sensation and reverses the early stages of tooth decay.

Oil of oregano is another popular at-home remedy you can try. It contains compounds like carvacrol and thymol which may have antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties to fight cavities and periodontal infections.

Although these methods can help preserve your teeth and gums, they don’t replace the need for dental visits. You should schedule a routine checkup and cleaning every six months to catch and treat potential problems before they can progress!

Meet the Author

Dr. Khushboo Gandhi enjoys helping people of all ages learn how to build and maintain a happy, healthy smile that supports their general well-being.  She initially completed a dental degree in India before moving to the U.S. and joining the Oklahoma College of Dentistry. Today, she continues her education with ongoing courses at prestigious institutions like the Baylor College of Dentistry and Spear Education. She builds relationships with patients so she can tailor holistic treatments to meet their unique needs. Then, she utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to improve patient comfort while delivering accurate results intended to last. If you’re concerned about cavities, you can request an appointment on the website or call (972) 532-6506.

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