Are you experiencing a severe toothache or a chipped tooth? When a dental emergency happens, you need to get assistance right away! At Murphy Dental Home, you have a dedicated team that is here to help as soon as possible. We do our best to see you on the same day as your first phone call, and you can rely on your emergency dentist in Murphy, TX, Dr. Khushboo Gandhi, to get you out of pain and back to dental health efficiently. So contact our dental office if you or a loved one has a dental emergency!
In most cases, your first move should be calling our team at Murphy Dental Home. In fact, we recommend saving our number in your phone so that you’re prepared if a dental emergency pops up. Our office is trained to treat a wide variety of urgent dental symptoms. Here are just some dental emergency scenarios and some quick tips for handling them ahead of your appointment.
With so many possible scenarios for a dental emergency, it is basically impossible to generalize an estimate for everyone. Even if two patients have similar dental emergencies, the treatment they need could differ. We need to perform an in-depth examination before we can explain your options and go through specific prices. However, there’s one thing that remains the same in every situation: waiting to seek help increases the cost because dental emergencies only get worse over time.
No two emergencies are the same, which is why there are various factors your dentist will consider before formulating a cost estimate for your treatment. These typically include:
When considering your dental emergency cost, you’ll be pleased to learn that Murphy Dental Home proudly serves as a provider for the following insurances:
Even if we are not providers of your individual plan, our team will go above and beyond to work on your behalf to file claims and help you save the most money on your oral healthcare. When calling to schedule an appointment, inform us of your insurance plan so that we can get to work identifying the most effective ways to maximize your benefits.
You may think scheduling a consultation is unnecessary, but the truth is that this visit is the only guaranteed way you’ll establish an understanding of the problem and how much it will cost to fix it. Once our dental team is able to examine your problem area, we can create a personalized treatment plan that is designed to address your current problem and offer long-lasting results for improved oral health.
In discussions with you, we can establish a plan that works with your budget, so you do not experience any financial surprises along the way.
Dr. Gandhi and our team are always ready to help you if you suffer an urgent oral health problem. All you have to do is give us a call , and we will prepare to see you as soon as we can. However, we are sure that you would prefer to prevent such a situation in the first place. Below, you will find practical guidelines to reduce the risk that your teeth will suffer harm and you will have to visit our emergency dental office in Murphy.
You should try to attend a cleaning and checkup every six months or so. At these appointments, your dentist has the opportunity to identify and treat small problems, such as minor decay, before they worsen and cause you significant pain. Our team will also thoroughly clean your teeth, removing plaque and tartar that, if left unaddressed, could lead to problems later on. We will even give you personalized tips for taking excellent care of your smile at home.
Maintaining a clean mouth prevents bacteria from building up and leading to cavities, gum disease, and infections. Here are some basic tips for at-home oral hygiene:
When oral bacteria interact with sugar, they create plaque and acids, which in turn lead to cavities. Therefore, it is best to enjoy sweet treats only in moderation. You should also avoid overindulging in acidic beverages, like soda and sports drinks. Instead, try to center your diet around nutrients that can benefit your oral health, like calcium and vitamin D. It is also important to drink plenty of water.
If you play sports, you should always wear a mouthguard when you are on the court or field. Over the counter mouthguards provide moderate protection from injury, but a custom one from a dentist is more effective and more comfortable.
If you grind your teeth at night, you should wear a different type of mouthguard. Some are designed specifically to prevent your bottom and top teeth from touching one another and causing mutual harm.
It can be tempting to use your teeth to trim your fingernails, open packages, or rip the tags off of new clothing. If you want to prevent dental emergencies in Murphy, however, you should never use your teeth for anything other than eating. Although they are quite durable, they can easily break if they are exposed to too much force. You may find it helpful to carry a small multi-tool with you that you can use for tasks that you might otherwise use your teeth for.
The moment a dental emergency hits, what do you do? Perhaps you may not even realize that the problem you’re experiencing is considered an urgent dental issue that needs immediate attention. Regardless of your circumstance, we encourage you to give us a call for additional guidance or look through our most commonly asked questions below if needed. We are more than happy to get you seen as soon as possible and stop any dental discomfort you’re experiencing.
If a toothache appears, it’s generally a sign that something else is wrong. Most of the time, they won’t get better on their own like the common cold or a papercut. Instead, they only tend to get worse, making treatment a more involved and costly process. Since there are many causes for a toothache (or major tooth sensitivity), you’ll want to get it checked out by our office as soon as possible. This is the best next step for diagnosing a dental issue before it has a chance to get worse.
Placing a recently avulsed (knocked-out tooth) into plain water can cause damage to its root surface cells. This can reduce our office’s ability to place it back into your mouth. For this reason, we do not recommend placing it in plain water. The best thing you can do is keep it in your open socket for preservation.
A nagging toothache can prevent you from getting some much-needed sleep at night. One of the best ways to alleviate your discomfort is by keeping your head elevated. Doing so will prevent blood from rushing to your head and intensifying your toothache. You can also take over-the-counter pain medication as needed and use a cold compress to dull your pain. Make sure you avoid eating acidic, cold, hard, and spicy foods right before bed as well!
It may surprise you to learn that most emergency rooms are not capable of addressing dental emergencies. For that reason, it’s best to visit our team at Murphy Dental Home as we can effectively treat any problems with your teeth and gums. However, it’s worth noting that there are three exceptions where a visit to the ER may be the better option. Some of those include:
In most cases, throbbing tooth pain indicates an infection or inflammation within the tooth. When a cavity (or crack) inside the tooth allows air and bacteria to reach the inner area, it can result in irritation and potential infection of the pulp nerves. There are some cases where throbbing teeth could be because of chronic teeth grinding and clenching.
Teeth that have become chipped, fractured, or broken cannot heal on their own. Unless you choose to seek treatment, they’re at risk of sustaining further damage. That’s why you should make an appointment with Dr. Gandhi as soon as possible after you notice a chipped tooth, especially if the edges are sharp or jagged. The good news is that there are many ways our team can get your smile back to normal. Depending on the severity of the break, we may polish the tooth, apply a filling material, or recommend root canal therapy.
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