If you are looking for a way to replace missing teeth, you may want to consider our quality, affordable dentures. With their long history of success, dentures in Murphy, TX continue to be the choice restorations for many patients who desire options to rebuild their smiles. We, at Murphy Dental Home, look forward to helping you live your life to the fullest and smile with confidence once again.
For thousands of years, dentures have been used to replace teeth. Our first President George Washington had a set of dentures that almost looked like wood because of how stained they were. Today’s dentures are far more advanced and stand up to the test of time much better than our first president’s set.
Modern dentures are removable, custom-made artificial teeth and gums that replace missing teeth. They are designed to look and function like your natural teeth. Your restorations come with prosthetic teeth fixed to plastic bases that mimic the appearance of natural gums. Many patients choose dentures to restore their smiles due to their low cost as compared to bridges or implants, or if they are not candidates for dental implants.
For those needing to replace some or all of their missing teeth, dentures can be one of the most cost-effective and simplified ways to do this. With these personalized and durable prosthetics, you’ll be able to regain the majority of your bite while enjoying many advantages to your oral and overall health. However, before moving forward with your treatment, our team will need to assess your situation to determine if this is a viable solution for you. Until then, here’s what to look for when considering dentures for rebuilding your smile.
Numerous things can potentially cause tooth loss, such as gum disease, tooth decay, and physical trauma. Regardless of the reason for it, leaving your situation unaddressed can lead to certain negative consequences for both your mouth and your overall well-being. Since there’s a lack of tooth roots in the jawbone, your bone tissue can begin to shrink, which can then cause any remaining natural teeth to shift out of place or come out later on. This can then lead to issues with facial sagging, difficulty chewing, and trouble speaking clearly, which can also significantly impact your self-confidence and mental health.
Whether you’ve lost one, most, or all of your teeth, dentures can be a viable option for rebuilding your smile. However, we’ll need to ensure that your oral health is in great shape before moving forward with your treatment. Any underlying or growing issues, such as decay or gum disease, that aren’t treated firsthand can be problematic later on. You’ll also need to be committed to practicing good oral hygiene every day as well as scheduling routine checkups with your dentist biannually, that way you can maintain your prosthetics for as long as possible while preserving your oral health.
Dentures are also an incredibly cost-effective method for restoring your bite. This means you’ll be able to regain the benefits of a full smile without having to break the bank. We’ll also review your situation to determine the kind of denture that’ll be best for you, such as a partial or full one.
If you aren’t eligible for dentures, we can offer alternative ways to replace your missing teeth. A couple of our other tooth-replacement options include:
Complete dentures restore your smile when all your natural teeth are gone. There are two types of full dentures: Conventional and immediate.
If you need to have any teeth remaining removed, you will need to wait for healing before fitting you with your conventional dentures. Healing typically takes a few months, during which your jawbone will experience changes in its shape and form. We will provide you with temporary dentures while waiting so you won’t have to go without teeth a single day. Once healing is complete, we will fit you with your conventional dentures and will make any needed adjustments to ensure the best fit, comfort, and function.
We place these restorations as soon as we extract any remaining teeth. These types of dentures will likely require relining and adjustments a few months down the road to ensure they fit well after healing.
If you are looking to replace your missing teeth with dentures, you might be curious about what the creation process looks like. Every denture is customized for the patient, but what exactly does this look like? Continue reading to learn more about the step-by-step process of getting dentures.
Dentures are comprised of two different parts. Here is what each one consists of.
Dentures are custom-made for each patient. Here is how it works.
It’s common for patients to experience slight soreness and discomfort when they first get their dentures, but this is completely normal and temporary. With some time, your mouth will adjust, and your dentures will start to feel like natural teeth. Remember to stick to softer foods and exercise your facial muscles during this time. If discomfort persists or you have any concerns about your new dentures, don’t hesitate to give us a call so we can help.
After a short adjustment period, your dentures will look and feel like your natural teeth. You will speak and smile with confidence, and you will be able to enjoy all your favorite foods. You may choose to use dental adhesives for added stability. However, well-fitting dentures should not rely on adhesives to stay securely in place.
We encourage you to keep up with your dental appointments to allow us to monitor your new dentures. With time, we may need to reline them or to make adjustments to ensure continued fit and comfort. With proper care, your dentures can last for years to come!
Contact us at Murphy Dental Home to learn more about restoring your smile using dentures. Dr. Gandhi and her outstanding team are committed to delivering gentle care and quality procedures to our valued patients. We look forward to helping you enjoy life to the fullest!
After learning about dentures, you’re probably more excited than ever to start rebuilding your smile. However, you may be wondering about the cost of dentures in Murphy before you decide to move forward with the process. During your consultation, our team at Murphy Dental Home will conduct an oral examination and explain which factors will affect the final price. Following the appointment, you’ll have a better understanding of what you can expect to pay for your treatment.
Multiple considerations can influence the price of dentures in Murphy, including:
Is cost a priority? If so, you may be tempted to opt for cheaper dentures. Even though the upfront cost is certainly lower, they tend to break easily and require replacement much sooner than you’d expect. That’s why quality should always be of utmost importance, regardless of the cost.
Yes, implant dentures are generally more expensive than traditional ones. However, there’s a good explanation for that. They require oral surgery and the placement of multiple dental implants, making them more reliable for everyday use since they do not shift out of place. Many patients discover this method of tooth replacement is well worth the investment because of several tremendous benefits.
Not only do implants stimulate the jawbone, but they can last decades or even a lifetime with proper care and maintenance with help from your denture dentist in Murphy. That means you won’t have to worry about replacing your dentures nearly as often!
Dentures are considered a major procedure which is why most dental insurance plans will cover approximately 50 percent of their cost. Certainly, every policy is unique, meaning the amount of coverage provided will vary from patient to patient. If you have any questions about your plan, contact your insurance provider or ask our dental team for assistance. We will gladly review the details of your policy and do everything possible to maximize your benefits and reduce out-of-pocket expenses.
We understand not everyone has dental insurance which is why we offer other ways to make your dental bills much easier to manage. With CareCredit Financing, you can split up the total cost of your treatment into smaller, budget-friendly monthly installments. Options even come with little-to-no interest!
We also have an in-house discount plan that offers, among other benefits, a 20 percent discount on treatments like dentures. Last but not least, if you do not have dental insurance – after an exam and cleaning, you can get $199 off any dental treatment!
Ready to begin down the path to a beautiful, complete smile? Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can answer any questions you might have.
Even after receiving your denture from Dr. Gandhi, there is still work to be done in the form of aftercare. Your gums and jaw will change over time, requiring consistent checkups to ensure that any remaining teeth you have and your gum tissues are healthy. At times, it may also be necessary to reline or adjust your prosthetic for a more comfortable fit. There are many reasons why you should continue to see Dr. Gandhi for your oral health once your smile has been restored, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Murphy Dental Home. If you’re ready to take your denture care to the next level, learn more below.
Dentures can restore your ability to eat nutritious foods and improve your digestive health. However, it’s important to keep them clean just like your natural teeth. Oftentimes food particles and bacteria can stick to your prosthetic, so it’s a good idea to take it out after every meal for a rinse. Be sure to only use cold or room temperature water for this as hot water can warp the acrylic base and cause an improper fit.
While simply rinsing after meals can improve the freshness of your denture, it still needs to be thoroughly cleaned along with your gums and any remaining teeth you have. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of unscented hand soap or denture cleanser (not toothpaste) to clean every surface of your prosthetic.
While dentures can stand up to consistent chewing and biting, the materials they’re made of can be damaged in other ways. Be sure to store your prosthetic properly when you’re not using it to keep it safe. While keeping them in a glass of water is fine, if you have pets or children, you might need to invest in a storage case. Additionally, when you’re cleaning them or putting them in, try to do so over a nice plush towel to prevent dropping them directly on a hard surface.
Be sure to remove your denture each night before you go to bed. This will ensure that your gum tissues aren’t becoming irritated from friction or lack of circulation. Sleeping in dentures has been linked to higher risks of pneumonia and increased levels of bacterial plaque in the mouth. So, leaving them to soak overnight not only keeps them clean, but also increases your overall well-being.
Be vigilant when it comes to noticing the way your dentures look or feel. If they become warped or damaged, they can not only be uncomfortable to wear, but also increase your risk for oral health hazards like gum disease. If you notice that your dentures are consistently uncomfortable or unstable, call Dr. Gandhi for a consultation.
All-on-4 Dentures are a permanent and fixed solution for tooth loss that can be cared for a bit more like natural teeth. When brushing, you may use a bland toothpaste with no abrasive chemicals such as baking soda or whitening agents. All-on-4 Dentures also need to be flossed, so ensure this is done at least once per day. If you’re having trouble doing this properly, consider a water flosser to improve your routine. For added freshness, you can rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash daily to help prevent plaque and tartar buildup.
Getting dentures is a major decision, but one that can greatly improve your day-to-day life as well as your long-term health. It’s normal to have some confusion or concerns before you begin the process of receiving dentures in Murphy, TX. Please get in touch with us if you have any pressing questions! Below, we’ve taken the liberty of answering some frequently asked questions about dentures for your convenience.
Steak and other tough meats can be difficult to chew when you have dentures, so it’s best to enjoy them in moderation. With that being said, it’s still manageable to eat steak with dentures as long as you take the right precautions. For example, ensure that the meat is thoroughly tenderized first, as that will make it softer and less likely to strain your dentures. Additionally, remember to cut your steak into tiny, bite-sized pieces beforehand; smaller bite of food are generally easier to chew.
In some cases, one or more irreparably damaged teeth will need to be removed prior to denture placement. Otherwise, these teeth could pose a threat to your oral health. However, if you only have a small number of natural teeth left on an arch, you might be tempted to have all of them extracted so that you can receive a full denture instead of a partial denture. We generally recommend against doing this.
Even though today’s dentures are incredibly lifelike, they still don’t compare to your home-grown teeth. It’s always best to try and repair a tooth when possible rather than extract and replace it. Before beginning any procedures, your denture dentist in Murphy will review all of your options and recommend whether it’s better to remove your remaining teeth to get dentures.
Wearing dentures all day exerts pressure on your gums, which may restrict circulation and lead to irritation if the tissue doesn’t have the chance to rest. That’s why we generally suggest that you take out your dentures before going to bed. Overnight, your gums will have the opportunity to regain the nutrients they need to stay healthy and strong enough to support your dentures the following day.
When you remove your dentures at night, never let them dry out. Doing so could cause them to change shape, making them not fit correctly or comfortably anymore. Instead, let them soak in denture cleaning solution or lukewarm/cold water (hot water could also warp the prosthetic).
In addition to soaking your dentures overnight, you’ll need to brush and rinse them several times each day – preferably after every meal and snack. However, do not use toothpaste to clean your dentures. Toothpaste is actually abrasive to the materials most dentures are made from, so it could damage your prosthetic over time. Instead, gently clean your dentures with a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild dishwashing liquid, hand soap, or a specialized denture cleanser.
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