According to a recent survey, about 34% of people who wear traditional dentures say that their dentures prevent them from living life to the fullest. After all, dentures are notorious for looking and feeling unnatural, slipping around, and even falling out of your mouth! Fortunately, our team can help you get a secure, reliable set of teeth with implant dentures in Murphy, TX. By anchoring a full denture onto a small number of dental implant posts, you’ll have a new smile that delivers unmatched comfort, functionality, longevity, and confidence. Contact Murphy Dental Home today to schedule your implant denture consultation!
Rather than sitting on top of the gums, an implant denture is secured onto dental implants – small titanium posts that mimic the root structure of lost teeth. The implants merge with your jawbone, creating a sturdy, long-lasting foundation for any number of replacement teeth. You can trust that your denture will not slide around, fall out, or cause any of the inconveniences that traditional dentures do. Plus, they can last several times longer than conventional dentures do.
Depending on your oral health needs and preferences, your implant dentist in Murphy, TX might recommend one of the two types of implant dentures:
Fixed implant dentures can only be taken out by a dentist. As a result, you can brush and floss them like natural teeth. Using metal abutment fixtures, a full denture is secured onto an average of four to six implant posts that are strategically placed throughout the jaw.
Your implant denture can also be removable for cleaning and maintenance. Removable implant dentures usually require fewer implant posts – between two and five in most cases. They can use ball sockets (ball-retained) or clips (bar-retained) to hold your new teeth in place.
Unlike traditional dentures, getting implant dentures requires a multistep process that can span several months to a year. That said, their long-term benefits are worth the wait!
At Murphy Dental Home, we can handle every step of the implant denture process in-house, thanks to our Board-Certified periodontist, Dr. Fallah. During surgery, he’ll numb your mouth and open your gums to access your jawbone. The implants are inserted at precise angles and locations. Over the next few months, the jawbone actually grows around the implants until they’re essentially part of your body. Then, attachments or abutments that will anchor the denture are secured in place. Finally, your personalized denture is created and placed.
Most adults who have good oral and general health are eligible for implant dentures (especially if you’re frustrated with your current denture). To be a good candidate for this treatment, you’ll need to be healthy enough to undergo minor surgery, be willing to maintain good oral habits and break bad ones (smoking, poor dental hygiene, etc.), and have a strong enough jawbone to accommodate dental implants in Murphy.
During a consultation, our team can examine your mouth and evaluate your medical history to determine your candidacy. Even if you don’t qualify at first, you might become eligible with one or more preliminary procedures, such as bone grafting to strengthen a weekend jawbone.
While implant dentures take more money and time up-front, they provide many long-term benefits, such as: